Friday, September 4, 2015

Thoughts On a Great First Week

...and what a busy week it has been!  I was impressed (and not the least bit surprised) by the dedication and enthusiasm I saw on display this week.  It was a pleasure for me to be in buildings, meet new people and see Comet Pride in action!  I was particularly proud to see teachers leading teachers during the PD sessions.  GLPS has a wealth of talent and it is an honor to be part of it each and every day.

This week has served as a reminder to me about  what is truly involved in "pulling this off".  The perception is that we simply turn on the lights, unlock the doors and we are ready to go on that first day.  It happens!  The reality is that there is a lot of time and hard work that goes into making IT happen.  Hard work from the custodial staff, the grounds crew, the food service staff, the transportation department, para professionals, administrative assistants, teachers...and yes even administrators:).  It truly takes a village!

I have seen you working in the summer.  I have seen you working in the night.  I saw you at 5:00 AM this morning.  All of you working hard with the same goal in mind...our GL kids! THANK YOU!

As we start the year know you are appreciated and try to appreciate each other.  Try to remember that everyone is working hard to make IT happen.  Just because someone has a different job than you, different responsibilities than you, teaches a different subject or level than you do, don't assume they don't work as hard as you do.  That is not Fair and that is not True.  Everyone is pulling their weight.  It is a lot easier if we pull together.

Enjoy the weekend!  Rest!  Rumor is there will be some 5,000 Comets showing up at our doors next Tuesday!  They will assume we are just turning on the lights and unlocking the doors.  I know the real story!

Have a Great Year


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